
Sunday 3 December 2023

Lifestyle – Health & Happiness


World Health Organisation ( W.H.O.) , define : Lifestyle

Healthy Living requires a balance of responsible and smart health choices;

ü  eating right,

ü  daily physical activity,

ü  promoting emotional and spiritual wellness,

ü  ensuring adequate sleep,

ü  avoiding harmful drugs,

ü  alcohol, tobacco,

ü  illness, stress, &

ü  safeguarding a good work-life balance.

Responsibilities and Choices, Now I asked

1.      Do I know my responsibility for - health and happiness?

2.      Do I able to choose? What is right for my health and happiness?

Mostly, there is no clear answer. Lots of information in Social Media and other sources available. Only challenge is to implement in our living:  healthy and happy.

a.      I want to be happy. Do I ? b. I want to be healthy. Do I ?

Taking responsibility and making right choices gives the desire result.

 Here  the role of  Coach and Community support comes into the picture.

Taking responsibility and choosing right   Health – “ Coach and Community ”

A Health and Wellness Coach is a person who guide and help to improve  health, vitality, and well-being by engaging in Community activities  that have been proven to improve health and prevent disease including weight loss, fitness, nutrition, stress coping, sleep, mind-body and positive psychology interventions.

I am a Health and Wellness Coach .

Prepared and compiled by : S.K. Udaiwal  ( 9916177087)

Blog: Spirituality and Works



Wednesday 24 May 2023

Wellness – A Concept to be healthy and happy

 There is a philosophy : “ Prevention is better than cure ”

Wellness works on this philosophy and one need to understand the following  - “ 5 D ” concept

Ø  D : Body need right diet to nurture

Ø  D: Deficiency in diet mean improper nutrient values or in other words lack of macro and micro nutrients – Proteins , fat, carbohydrates , vitamins and minerals .

Ø  D: Disorder – Deficiency in diet creates disorder in the body organ mean improper functioning which causes obesity, under weight,  etc

Ø  D: Disease – Disorder creates disease – called lifestyle disease because of disorder in the body  namely diabetes, heart issues, skin problem, knee pains, etc...

Ø  D: Disabilities is the cause of disease. A diseased individual depends on others and become weak and helpless.

How to overcome ?

a.      To fulfil the body needs – Protection, Nurturing and right utilisation

b.      To fulfil the need of the self – Right understanding ,Right feelings , Right desire, thoughts and expectation.

We as a Wellness Coach conduct an introductory session .  Any one interested to know and understand the concept may attend online on zoom meeting link .

May whatsapp details: on 9916177087

1.      Name

2.      Location

3.      Age

4.      Health result expected  like ......Weight loss, weight gain or any other health challenges .

I priorities my health as there is a saying “ Health is Wealth ”

What about you ? Think, feel, decide and act - Result follows 

Prepared and compiled by: S.K.Udaiwal

Friday 10 March 2023

Living & Knowledge – My personal experience


There is a famous quote: “ Knowledge is power ” when ? ask oneself  .

I personally feel , when I live a life as per the knowledge, only then I get the true experience . I may have to be competent to understand and feel the knowledge in my living and verify it at my own.

Very principle of living which I understood from A. Nagraj ji’s Madhyasth Darshan.

“ Existence is coexistence” – Coexistence is life . A simple understanding of living experience is : Be in harmony with self, family, society and nature the existence.

I want to be healthy – Its my body need

I want to be happy – Its my self need

Body and Self Co-exist

If I want to be healthy its necessary I need to be happy. I can’t move separately

I want to be healthy and happy – How ?

a.       Right Understanding and Feeling within makes me happy.

b.      Right utilisation of resources , protection & nurturing  makes my body living healthy

c.       Together I feel resourceful, happy and prosperous.

There are few universal human  values I come across during one of the course “ Universal Human Values _ Faculty Development ” It says practicing these values for oneself brings happiness within  and practicing with others brings happiness  other as well .

ü  Trust – it’s the foundation value

ü  Respect

ü  Affection

ü  Care

ü  Guidance

ü  Reverence

ü  Glory

ü  Gratitude

ü  Love – It’s Complete value . Unconditional love to everything .

Trust is our core value. We know , assume, recognise and fulfil .

It creates acceptance . To make it more clear ,

For example: Take people, event or any circumstances , which one come across in his/her living.

 A question arises immediately in the mind.

Can I change the people , event or circumstances ? just wait and think on that moment. The answer comes No . In this situation,

Acceptance happens automatically. “ Accept the people, event & circumstances as they are”

Other value follows,

We start caring , mean fulfilling the physical need , guiding mean helping in competence building, reverence, glory, gratitude and finally loving.

It’s a proposal :

Practice and if feel happiness within and able to see happiness in others in living then one may live with these values , otherwise may leave it . It’s a proposal only.

 Visit website: 

 Prepared & Compiled by: Satish Kumar Udaiwal


Monday 5 December 2022

A formula for desired results – ( S +4C+M ) – My personal experience.

I have come across a Wellness community through my brother, who in turn known to be a Sponsor for me as per community vocabulary.

“Happy to Help ” An introductory wellness session, which  is the  core of the community activities. New guests are invited by existing members of the community ,  where a Sr. Wellness Coach explains the concept of Wellness in the following four steps after the introduction and knowing the health challenges of  new guests .

1.      Reasons for various health challenges

2.      Community support

3.      Sharing of experiences of the existing members in the community

4.      Procedure to become the members of the community

Those who are interested and ready to start the wellness journey with the community asked for two promises.

a.      Are you really wants to get the results ?

b.      Are you ready to spare one hours of time daily for wellbeing of self

Once the guests agree , and take the Universal Membership (UMS) , community provides following customised  services  : -  

ü  A fully dedicated wellness coach

ü  One hours community support session

ü  Half an hours work out for body flexibility

ü  One month healthy break fast for nurturing of the body & thus

ü  Wow results

Based on my personal experience with the community since last 28months plus. I formulated a formula for desired results .

S + 4C + M = Results

S = Mean Sponsor – A person , who introduce to the community and helps further in coaching and guide other services of the community.

4C – C – Communication , C – Coach , C – Community , C – Consistency

M – Mentor – A Sr. Wellness Coach or the Owner of the community as per choice of the guests,  who is  an experienced and trusted advisor.  

Results varies person to person – How one utilises  the success formula  .

1.      Right understanding of the success formula

2.      Right feelings while utilising the formula elements

3.      Right utilisation of the services

This principle formula can be  applied  for any day to day activities for the desired results .

Objective – Make the Individuals, family, society – “ Healthy and Happy ”

Please be free to whatapp – 9916177087 for the introductory session link

Prepared and compiled by: S.K.Udaiwal


Thursday 24 November 2022

Living & Forward messages – My personal experience


There is a famous quote: “ Knowledge is power ” when ? ask oneself  .

I personally feel , when I live a life as per the knowledge, only then I get the true experience . I may have to be competent to understand and feel the knowledge in my living and verify it at my own.

Very principle of living which I understood from A. Nagraj ji’s Madhyasth Darshan.

“ Existence is coexistence” – Coexistence is life . A simple understanding of living experience is : Be in harmony with self, family, society and nature the existence.

I want to be healthy – Its my body need

I want to be happy – Its my self need

In Madhyasth Darshan : Body and Self Co-exist

If I want to be healthy its necessary I need to be happy. I can’t move separately

I want to be healthy and happy – How ?

a.       Right Understanding and Feeling within makes me happy.

b.      Right utilisation of resources , protection & nurturing  makes my body living healthy

c.       Together I feel resourceful, happy and prosperous.

There are few universal human  values I come across during one of the course “ Universal Human Values _ Faculty Development ” It says practicing these values for oneself brings happiness within  and practicing with others brings happiness  other as well .

1.      Trust is the foundation values. Trust on self capabilities and intensions and others too , similarly ,

2.      Respect oneself and others , once I trust respect comes automatically its, my living experience. Then I moves further and acceptance mean

3.      Affection

4.      Care

5.      Guidance

6.      Reverence

7.      Glory

8.      Gratitude

9.      Love – Complete value “ Un conditional ”

पोथी पढ़ि पढ़ि जग मुआ, पंडित भया कोय
ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय ।।
Pothi Padh Padh Jag Mua Pandit Bhaya Na Koi !
Dhai Aakhar Prem Ke, Jo Padhe so Pandit Hoye !!
अर्थात्ः- बड़ी बड़ी किताबे पढ़कर संसार में कितने ही लोग  मृत्यु के द्वार पहुंच गए, पर सभी विद्वान हो सके। कबीर मानते हैं कि यदि कोई प्रेम या प्यार के केवल ढाई अक्षर ही अच्छी तरह पढ़ ले। अर्थात प्यार का वास्तविक रूप पहचान ले तो वही सच्चा ज्ञानी होगा।

Prepared and compiled by: S.K.Udaiwal

Friday 18 November 2022

An Experience – Wellness Journey


I come across an Online Wellness Community during pandemic period somewhere around July, 2020. After attending the introductory session me and wife decided to become part of the community and experience the benefits. Initial 1-2 months I was not very keen to  attend the daily sessions and other services provided by the community as I saw during an introductory session. Like

1.      Workout

2.      Morning session

3.      Wellness Living Programmes

4.      Family day

5.      Lifestyle day …………etc.

We  replaced our breakfast with healthy balanced nutrient drinks and  herbs tea provided by the community. Community has provided us a wellness Coach who guided us our diet schedule and water intake as given below

Morning            2-3 glass warm water get fresh

                            Green herbs tea in hot 160 ml water  

                             Nutrient drink prepared in milk 250 ml/ person

Lunch                 Green salad approx.. 250/300gms following by food 

After noon       Green herbs tea / fruits or light protein intake

Dinner                             Light dinner or nutrient drink

Water intake   Min 3-4 liters a day

Gradually, we started attending the sessions and activities regularly and understand the entire concept and importance of wellness in our routine.

It’s a philosophy “ Prevention is better than cure ” Like in a Factory we apply two types of maintenance for plants and equipment.

a.      Planned maintenance – This I relate as Wellness

b.      Repair or breakdown maintenance – This I relate as Illness

Wellness is Prevention of Illness – Taking care of body so that we don’t fall sick and keep away oneself from Illness.

Illness is falling sick and hospitalised , which is more painful and costly affair  

Further , I started share the benefits with by family members and friends and couple of them become parts of the community and enjoying a healthy and happy lifestyle.

I decided to take this as a mission with the help of community support and spread the this message more and more  among the people in and around family and society “ How one can enjoy a healthy and happy life style with online guidelines at home sparing precious 60-90 minutes daily for self care and remain healthy and happy life time ”

I request the reader of my blog, family and friend to become the part of Wellness Journey and enjoy a HEALTY & HAPPY life style and join the mission

“ Making a healty and happy family ”

Contact details: Whatapp me for Introductory session zoom link

9916177087. Visit my blog: udaiwal blog – Spirituality at works

Prepared and compiled by: S.K.Udaiwal